Inventory List


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Kenya Green Beans. 

Inventory  List - Stock at Hand - Get Quote 

Location Product Inventory Quantity Unit of Measure (132lbs)

Custom Roasters, Buffalo (Minnesota)

AA Wholesale  (Wagika Farm)



Custom Roasters, Buffalo (Minnesota)

PB Wholesale  (Wagika Farm)



Custom Roasters, Buffalo (Minnesota)

AB Wholesale  (Liwani Coffee Estate)



Theta Ridge, South Bend (Indiana)  Kenya AA  Wholesale (Liwani Coffee Estate) 1.00 bags
Theta Ridge, South Bend (Indiana)  Kenya AB Wholesale  (Liwani Coffee Estate ) 53.00 bags
Theta Ridge, South Bend (Indiana) Kenya AB Wholesale  (Wagika Farm) 30.00 bags
Theta Ridge, South Bend (Indiana)  Kenya C Wholesale (Liwani Coffee Estate) 5.00 bags
TTheta Ridge, South Bend (Indiana) Kenya C Wholesale (Wagika Farm) 8.00 bags
Coffee Innovations, Jacksonville (Florida) Kenya C Wholesale (Liwani Coffee Estate) 10.00 bags
Coffee Innovations, Jacksonville (Florida) Kenya HE Wholesale (Liwani Coffee Estate) 5.00 bags
Coffee Innovations, Jacksonville (Florida) Kenya T Wholesale (Wagika Farm) 2.00 bags
Coffee Innovations, Jacksonville (Florida) Kenya E Wholesale (Liwani Coffee Estate) 1.00 bags

Blessed Bean, Longwood (Florida)

Kenya AB Wholesale  (Liwani Coffee Estate )



Blessed Bean, Longwood (Florida)  Kenya C Wholesale (Liwani Coffee Estate) 4.00 bags

Inventory Price List - Afloat (February Arrival)

Location Product Inventory Quantity Unit of Measure (132lbs)
Afloat Kenya AA Wholesale  (Liwani Coffee Estate) 2.00 bags
Afloat Kenya AB Wholesale (Liwani Coffee Estate) 19.00 bags
Afloat Kenya AB Wholesale (Wagika Farm) 5.00 bags
Afloat  Kenya C Wholesale (Liwani Coffee Estate) 19.00 bags
Afloat Kenya C Wholesale (Wagika Farm) 2.00 bags
Afloat Kenya TT Wholesale (Liwani Coffee Estate) 2.00 bags
Afloat Kenya PB Wholesale (Lion Hill Farm) 10.00 bags
Afloat  Kenya PB Wholesale (Liwani Coffee Estate) 2.00 bags
Afloat Kenya T Wholesale (Liwani Coffee Estate) 5.00 bags
Afloat Kenya UG1  Wholesale (Liwani Coffee Estate) 5.00 bags
Afloat Kenya UG2 Wholesale (Liwani Coffee Estate) 2.00 bags

Kenya Grading System: Understanding Coffee Bean Classification

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks worldwide, and its delicious taste comes from the careful processes involved in growing, processing, and grading the beans. In Kenya, we use a special grading system, a policy by law and a Kenya Auction requirement to sell green coffee.

This system plays a crucial role in the coffee industry by categorizing beans based on their size, density, and specific characteristics, influencing both quality and market value. The grading system ensures consistency and excellence in this competitive landscape, facilitating trade agreements and enabling informed purchasing decisions. By maintaining stringent quality standards, the system exemplifies Kenya's commitment to exceptional coffee, making it essential for both coffee enthusiasts and traders to understand its nuances to appreciate the richness and diversity of Kenyan coffee

  • Kenya AA Grade

This the cream of the crop - large, dense beans over 7.2mm in diameter that are assigned a size of 18. AA grade Kenyan coffees are considered among the finest in the world. They exhibit a bright, lively acidity balanced with a rich, wine-like fruitiness and sweet, floral aromas. The body is typically light yet flavorful.

  • Kenya AB Grade

Only slightly smaller than AA at 6.8mm (size 16-17), AB grade still ranks as a premium coffee. It combines both A and B beans and accounts for around 40% of Kenya's crop. While not quite as prized as AA, AB grade offers a similar bright, fruity, complex profile.

  • Kenya PB Grade (Peaberry)

These are natural "pearls" - single, rounded beans instead of two flat-sided ones. At size 17, peaberries are dense and concentrated in flavor, making up around 5% of the crop.

  • Kenya E Grade (Elephant Bean)

The largest of all, size 21 and up, these "elephant beans" come from cherry with conjoined seeds. Their impressive size gives a deeply rich, full-bodied cup.

  •  Kenya C Grade

Falling in the 12-14 size range, C grade contains the thinner, smaller beans sorted out from AB during grading. Great for blending and usually has a lower acidity.

  •  Kenya TT Grade

These are beans sorted out for having a lighter density than the premium AA, AB and E grades. Despite their size of 16-20, their lower density affects the flavor.

  • Kenya T Grade

The smallest grade under size 12, T comprises broken, defective, and thin beans sorted from the C grade.

  •  Kenya MH/ML Grade (Mbuni)

At the lowest end are Mbuni beans that fell off the plant before harvesting. They have a distinctly tangy, harsh taste processed by the dry or natural method. MH ( Heavy Mbuni) tends to have a higher density and may qualify as a specialty coffee if well sorted.

  • Kenya NH/NL Grade (Natural Process)

This is the latest entry in the Kenya Auction Grading system. It indicates that the coffee underwent natural processing rather than the common wet-wash process used in Kenya.

  • Kenya UG1

UG1 stands for "Ungraded 1." This category includes all beans that do not meet the specific criteria for the official grades, such as AA, AB, or C. These beans are a mix of various sizes and qualities that do not conform to the stringent standards of the higher grades.

  • Kenya UG2

UG2, or "Ungraded M'buni," refers to ungraded dry processed (naturally processed) coffee. M'buni is a Swahili term referring to coffee cherries that are dried whole rather than de-pulped before drying. These beans are generally of lower quality compared to wet-processed beans.

  • Kenya HE

HE grade includes beans separated from the TT and E grades. These are often considered rejects from the TT and E sorting processes and include fragments and lighter beans that did not meet the quality standards of the TT and E grades.

  • SB Grade (Screen Bold)  

SB, or "Screen Bold," refers to coffee beans that are larger in size but not as dense as AA or AB grades. These beans are separated based on their size using a sieve or screen, where the bold, larger beans are collected. However, despite their larger size, SB beans may not necessarily have the same high density and quality as AA or AB grades. 

FAQ (Fair Average Quality)

 FAQ grade is a term used for coffee that meets the standard quality level for export. This grade includes a mix of beans that do not fit into the more specific grades but still meet an acceptable standard for international trade.