F.A.Q - Solai Coffee

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[Saw-lie-e] means Joy. Solai is also the village in which I was born and raised. It’s close to Nakuru town, Kenya.

“The term ‘specialty coffee’ refers to the highest quality green coffee beans roasted to their greatest flavor potential.”  Specialty Coffee Association (SCA)

In other terms, Specialty coffee is a coffee or coffee experience recognized for its distinctive attributes, and because of these attributes, it has significantly extra value in the marketplace. 

We are 2nd generation farmers and fortunately, we are able to source quality coffee straight from our family’s (1st generation) farms in Kenya.

Based on SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) Standards, our cup score is 86. This score is derived from fragrance, flavor, aftertaste, acidity, body, balance, uniformity, clean cup, sweetness, fault, and overall taste, each assigned a score on a scale of 0-10. 

The art of brewing coffee is the key to unlocking all of our coffee's rich flavor profile and deep aroma. We always recommend buying whole beans and grinding as you brew. Different brewing systems require different grinds to get the best results.

  1. Water is an important aspect of getting a great cup of coffee. Always use filtered water. 
  2. Boil your water to boil if doing immersion or pour-overs. Bring the water just short of a boil if you use a French press coffee maker (195-205 degrees). Let the coffee sit for 4 to 5 minutes before pressing. 
  3. To keep it simple, measure two teaspoons of coffee per 6oz of water. Adjust to preferred strength of coffee to water ratio. 
  4. Brew to drink immediately or store in a flask to keep the coffee hot for later.
  5. Never reheat coffee as it loses the flavors due to over brewing. For any leftover coffee, enjoy it as iced coffee.

Check out the brewing standards from Specialty Coffee Association and enjoy geeking out.

Coffee acidity is comparable to dryness in wine. The acidity makes your coffee bright, clean, clear, and crispy. Our coffees are known for their fruity, sweet, and floral notes. You will experience citrus and crisp berry taste when brewed. Our medium roast has higher acidity than our medium to dark. This is not acidity that would upset your stomach.  

No, Solai Coffee is from a single origin meaning the coffee is pure and not combined with other coffees from other origins.

Currently, we do not have a physical location. We sell our coffee at local farmers’ markets in Florida, Minnesota and online at  www.solaicoffee.com/shop

Yes, we sell both ground coffee and whole beans; medium and medium to dark roast. 

Yes, we offer both whole bean and ground coffee. For convenience, we recommend ground coffee; however, buying whole beans and grinding it yourself keeps the coffee fresher and more fragrant. 

Yes, we have a  subscription page where you can choose to receive your favorite pack of coffee as low as 12 oz at a very discounted price. Save more than 15% off your order & get free shipping. Subscriptions are completed through our payment gateway. Once subscribed, you will receive your coffee every month without a hassle.  

Light roast, medium roast, and dark roast are three distinct coffee roast levels, each offering unique characteristics and flavors. Light roast coffee is roasted for a shorter duration, preserving the bean's original flavors. It has a light brown color, higher acidity, and a subtle taste with floral and fruity notes. The caffeine content is usually higher in light roasts.

Medium roast coffee undergoes a longer roasting process, resulting in a medium brown color. It strikes a balance between acidity and body, with flavors that are more rounded and slightly sweeter. Medium roast coffee often exhibits nutty or chocolatey undertones and has a moderate caffeine level.

Dark roast coffee is roasted for an extended period, resulting in a dark brown or almost black color. It has a robust and intense flavor profile, with lower acidity and a fuller body. Dark roasts often feature smoky, caramelized, or even charred flavors. The caffeine content is lower due to the prolonged roasting.

The choice between light, medium, or dark roast ultimately depends on personal preference, with light roast highlighting the bean's original characteristics, medium roast offering a balanced flavor, and dark roast delivering a bold and rich taste. Kenyan coffee are best consumed on the lighter roasts but still withholds very well for the darker roasts as per coffee review. 

Solai Kenya Specialty – AA is from the highest grade certified by the National Coffee Exchange Auction body with a remarkably bold profile. Solai Kenya Peaberry is a rare find- it accounts for only 5% of the coffee produced in the world. It’s a single bean which means it has an intense profile (nutrients).  We have a Kenya Farmers blend, which is a combination of the top four grades AA, AB, PB and C which all have an SCA score of 82 and above. 

Grab a sample pack and get to try out both our Specialty AA and Specialty PB

Solai Coffee offers a  Simba bundle  that allows you to experience both Kenya Specialty AA and Peaberry. or a sample pack which is a good starter to experience our medium roast which is mild, bright, fruity and floral, the medium to dark is bolder, with texture and chocolate notes. 

We get this question a lot from our coffee lovers. Technically, this term is misused in marketing to describe roast levels or caffeine levels, not bitterness. Robusta coffee has higher caffeine levels than our Arabica coffee, but caffeine levels vary from farm to farm and reduce as you roast coffee. Darker roasts have less caffeine. a true understanding of strength is the ratio of water to dissolved ground coffee, which varies from one brewing method to another. We like to define our coffee as crisp, bright, and bold. 

Yes, Solai Coffee works with most brewing tools including espresso machines, French press, Moka pot, percolator, drip coffee makers, etc.

Yes, we do have a drop shipping model which allows you to provide private labels (your company’s logo and name) and Solai Coffee handles the backend logistics.  Contact us  and solai will assist you to get started 

 We have bulk prices and discounts based on quantities. Request a  bulk quote here  

We strive to fulfill our orders within 2-3 business days. 

The Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in water have a notable impact on the flavor of coffee. Higher TDS levels can lead to an over-extraction of coffee compounds, resulting in a bitter taste, while lower TDS levels can cause under-extraction and a weak flavor profile. According to the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA), an optimal TDS range of 75-250 parts per million (ppm) is recommended for brewing coffee, as it allows for proper extraction of desirable flavors without introducing excessive bitterness or dullness. Monitoring and adjusting the TDS of water used in coffee brewing can significantly enhance the overall taste and quality of the final cup. (Source: Specialty Coffee Association, "Water Quality Handbook for Specialty Coffee," 2018.)

How does acid in coffee affect my blood?​

The acidity of coffee does not significantly impact blood acidity levels. According to a study published in the American Dietetic Association journal, the body tightly regulates blood pH through complex physiological mechanisms, rendering the acidity of consumed foods and beverages irrelevant in maintaining blood pH homeostasis. The study concludes that dietary acid load, including coffee, does not lead to acid-base imbalances or affect blood acidity. (Source: Winkelmayer, W. C., Stampfer, M. J., Willett, W. C., & Curhan, G. C. (2005). Coffee Consumption and Risk of Fractures in Women. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 105(3), 342–346.)